Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This little guy arrived last night, so we're still learning about him. So far, we know he's really cute and cuddly, and he likes to sleep in dark little corners. This means he will be easy to crate train - he slept in a crate last night, and as long as he was close to a human he didn't cry. Just a whimper now and again. But when I put him in another room, you would have thought the sky was falling! That only lasted for a minute because I don't think puppies should be left alone until they're ready. Or is that until I'm ready? Oh well, one or the other.

Right now Pazzo is asleep on the couch under two cushions I pushed together to make a tee-pee. He passed out in 3 seconds flat - this is the life!

Pazzo has tentatively been adopted, and if everything goes according to plan, he will go home with his new forever family on Friday evening.

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